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Home Monster Hunter Rise
Last Updated: by Dennis
Monster Hunter Rise is an action role-playing game set in the ninja-inspired land of Kamura Village. Explore lush ecosystems as you are tasked with slaying or trapping large monsters using a variety of weapons, tools and environmental features to damage and weaken them while surviving their attacks. Monster Hunter Rise is available on Nintendo Switch and PC. Take a look at our tips to get help in the game.
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Best Beginner Weapon
In Monster Hunter Rise there are 14 different types of weapons from which to choose from and regardless of which one you pick it is recommended that you master one weapon at a time. Doing this will allow you to have at least one weapon you can use comfortably in a fight. You can always master other weapons later on in the campaign. If you are a beginner the best weapon you can pick is the Long Sword which has a very long reach and powerful combos that deal plenty of damage.
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Research Monsters for Weaknesses
Once you have met a monster for the first time you will be able to research them by going through their full stats in the menus. It is crucial that you do this as is it will enable you to find out how much damage each weapon will do to every part of the monster, this will allow you to take advantage of any weaknesses the creature may have. The menus will also tell you of any debuffs the creatures impose, what elements they are weak to, what materials they drop and the different drop rates for capturing vs slaying monsters.
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Explore in Expedition Mode
When Monster Hunter Rise introduces you to a new region for the first time that region will become available in the Expedition mode. You are not required to hunt monsters in Expedition mode and there is no time limit, use this feature to get acquainted with the new map and get a rough idea of the whereabouts of the Spiribirds, so you know where to grab them before big boss fights and get boosts in attack, defense, stamina, and health for the entirety of the hunt.
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Don't Forget the Side Quests
You will be given side quests in Monster Hunter Rise from the various NPC's you meet, and they are worthwhile doing as they will always reward you with something that will come in useful later in the campaign. Some side quests unlock extra weapons and armor while others unlock extra designs for your palicos and palamutes, new dango options, or new submarines. You can track the most important ones through the 'Requests' option under 'Quests' after tapping the + button. Keep in mind that the side quests that unlock new weapons can be done in advance providing you capture a monster and not kill it.
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Save Up for the Armor and Power Charms
Regardless of what build you are going for in Monster Hunter Rise it is essential that you save up 60,000 zeny to purchase Armorcharm and Powercharm when the merchants in the main part of the village and the gathering hubs have a sale. It is worthwhile grinding the zenny for both of these items because when they are in your item pouch they will boost your armor and attack. It is also possible to upgrade them into Armortalons and Powertalons which would provide a massive boost to your raw damage output.
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Spend Time at the Training Area
It is recommended that the first thing you do when starting out in Monster Hunter Rise is spend time in the training area in order to learn a couple of combos for maximizing damage. When you go to the training ground you will be given instructions on what your combos are and the rough window you have in which to execute them. It also gives you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the skilkbind attack moves which every weapon in the game has at least two of and get accustomed to their range.
You should also consider going to the training room whenever you unlock any new switch skills as you progress through the campaign and hub missions. This will allow you to try them out and see how you can take advantage of them when you attack monsters.
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Enable Gyro Controls
Gryo controls are not enabled by default in Monster Hunter Rise and the game does not prompt you to turn them on when you first use a weapon such as the bowgun for the first time. Enabling gyro controls will help you considerably when targeting certain parts of monsters, so it is recommended you turn them on. To do this you need to go to 'Options' and then select the 'Gyroscope' menu. At this menu you will also be able to customize the sensitivity for docked and handheld gameplay.
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Collect Spiribirds to get Boosts
Monster Hunter Rise has the addition of a new piece of equipment called the Petalace which can be equipped like any other weapon or armor. Once equipped the Petalace will enable you to retain the pollen you collect from the endemic Spiribirds which can be found scattered all over the hunting area. There are different types of Petalace you can equip and the one you choose will be the one that best suits your play style. The four kinds of Spiribirds you can collect are listed below:
Red Spiribird:
Gives attack boost.
Orange Spiribird:
Gives defense boost
Green Spiribird:
Gives health boost
Yellow Spiribird:
Gives stamina boost.
Rainbow Spiribird:
Gives an overall boost to your status.
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Get the Cahoots
If you come across a Cahoot in Monster Hunter Rise you need to make sure you grab it. Cahoots are popular pets in Kamura that are beloved for their affectionate and clever nature. The Cahoots will not appear on your map but when you come across one of these owls on a hunt a prompt will appear on the bottom-left of your UI indicating something special is nearby. Always try and get the cahoot as it will help out on quests by showing the positions of monsters and can also double the amount of money you can make on a quest.
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Monster Hunter Rise will be coming to PC via Steam on January 12, 2022
Capcom announced that Monster Hunter Rise will be coming to PC via Steam on January 12, 2022. The steam version will host numerous upgrades over the Switch version, inc.. Read More
Monster Hunter Rise FAQ's
Our Latest Questions
What are Dung Bombs used for? |
Dung Bombs are odorous and will often cause monsters to flee to another area in the map. |
How do you use the Focus Camera? |
The Focus Camera can be activated by pressing the + button and heading to the 'Options' menu. Go down to the Camera settings and then change your Camera Style to Focus Camera. |
Where can you find a Cahoot nest? |
You will find one up a tree in the Buddy Plaza. It will contain Steel Eggs, Lagia Apples, and Trap Tools. |
How do you build up Kamura points and Armor Spheres? |
Just make sure you always have the optional sub quests selected. |
Can you do Village Quests in multiplayer? |
Village Quests can only be done solo. |
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